The Fabulous World of Explorer Guitars |
Posted By: Tommaso Campanini | E-mail: adzvavom@hotmail.com | Date posted: December 15, 2011 - 06:50 pm |
Message: I don't want a Gaskell, an Epiphone or something else. I want, I NEED a Gibson EXplorer LH. Why always us lefty??? |
Posted By: mike clayton | E-mail: inspectorclayton@aim.com | Date posted: October 24, 2011 - 05:59 pm |
Message: I want one, and I am lefty too. put me down for one when you decidfe to make some Gibson. I just bought a new SG from you so I am for real. |
Posted By: Skyler | E-mail:
Private | Date posted: October 10, 2011 - 01:31 am |
Message: I want one soo baddddddddd? |
Posted By: Zac Turner | E-mail: zac@yourwebspace.com.au | Date posted: October 02, 2011 - 07:42 am |
Message: Yeah I can never seem to find left hand explorers, Gibson and ESP alike should produce them. |
Posted By: Trey Kitchens | E-mail: treymanga@yahoo.com | Date posted: September 12, 2011 - 03:59 pm |
Message: I love playing guitar, it is my passion, and my favorite guitars are Gibson guitars. However, since I am left handed, finding left handed Gibson guitars is challenging to say the least. My favorite guitar, second to the the les paul and SG, is a gibson explorer, and I've had no luck in finding a left handed one. Please make left handed Explorers Gibson! |